Monday Apr 15, 2024

How can you get a handle on your feelings?


In this episode, host Erin Garay discusses how to get a handle on your feelings by shifting your perspective and focusing to the present moment. She shares personal stories and insights on the power of changing your thoughts and energy patterns. Erin introduces the concept of rumination, imagination, and the present moment as different roads where our thoughts can reside. She encourages listeners to assess where their thoughts are located and the cost of holding onto negative emotions. Erin also provides a three-step process, NAP (Name, Assess, Preach), to help handle feelings and find peace.




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  • Shifting your perspective and focusing on the present moment can help you get a handle on your feelings.
  • Rumination and imagination are different roads where our thoughts can reside, but the present moment is where we should aim to be.
  • Assess the cost of holding onto negative emotions and consider if it's worth sacrificing your peace.
  • Use the NAP process (Name, Assess, Preach) to handle your feelings and find peace.
  • Surround yourself with people who bring you peace and strive to be a person who brings peace to others.



Introduction and Overview

Shifting Your Perspective: Rumination, Imagination, and the Present Moment

Getting a Handle on Your Feelings: The NAP Process

Surrounding Yourself with Peaceful People



Keywordsfeelings, perspective, present moment, rumination, imagination, energy patterns, thoughts, emotions, peace


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